Wednesday, February 16, 2011

With RSS Face Down In A Ditch, Lifeless, Pulse Finds A Heartbeat Beyond It

We love the "RSS Is Dead" meme here at TechCrunch. Hell, we started it. And while RSS isn't exactly dead as in gone, it is dead in that the vast majority of people who consume content on the web have absolutely no idea what it is and will never know what it is. But even that's not necessarily bad news for RSS. What is bad news is that services that previously only relied on it are now moving beyond it.

Today, Pulse, the visual news-reading app for iPhone, iPad, and Android, is announcing that they're moving beyond RSS, and instead hooking up with APIs to get access to content. What type of content? Content from Reddit, Digg, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, and PicPlz. Yes, you'll now be able to browse all of those within Pulse.

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