Saturday, May 28, 2011

Google Responds To PayPal Lawsuit: People Have The Right To Seek Better Jobs

Yesterday, PayPal filed a lawsuit against Google and two of its executives for stealing trade secrets. The lawsuit came on the same day that Google announced its mobile wallet plans involving Android phones with NFC chips. The two executives, Osama Bedier and Stephanie Tilenius, previously worked at PayPal. In fact, Bedier was in charge of negotiating a deal with Google on behalf of PayPal for inclusion of PayPal as a payment mechanism in Android phones. The deal fell through and Google hired away Bedier instead, who then helped build Google's own mobile wallet product.

At least that is PayPal's side of the story. Last night, I asked Google for a comment. It took them a while, but a spokesperson just emailed me the following statement:

National Instruments Accenture Micron Technology Red Hat Trident Microsystems

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