Monday, April 25, 2011

Microsoft, Yahoo Vet Starts Clipboard: ?Social Media With A Purpose?

This morning, an SEC filing revealed that Gary Flake, a former Overture vet who went on to found both Yahoo Research Labs and Microsoft's Live Labs, raised $1.39 million in funding for a stealthy new startup dubbed Clipboard (I'm not the only one who noticed).

Flake informed me that he wanted to avoid any publicity for now, but since Geekwire already posted on this: Flake is the sole founder of the fledgling Bellevue, Washington-based company, which is apparently building 'social media with a purpose' (which is still vague, admittedly).

Flake said he wouldn't disclose the names of the investors at this point, as some would like to be kept out of the spotlights, but we've learned that there are a little over a dozen investors involved, ranging from large institutional funds, mid-size seed VCs and angel groups, as well as a few individual investors.

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