Monday, November 22, 2010

Conde Nast Adds A Street Style Fashion Platform With Teen Vogue?s Fashion Click

Sites like Fashism, Go Try It On and Weardrobe have shown that there is intrinsic value in the ability to share photos of what you are wearing and get feedback on your style. So it makes sense for fashion magazines to start launching similar efforts as a way to build a community around their online content. Conde Nast's Teen Vogue property is launching its own user generated street style fashion platform today, called Fashion Click, which is powered by content marketing company Tidal Labs.

Using Tidal Lab's ContentMetric technology, the Teen Vogue Fashion Click platform allows fashionistas to contribute looks and descriptions of what they are wearing as they post to their own blogs. Tidal Lab's algorithm identifies the more influential bloggers creating fashion looks and showcases content based upon posts most likely to be viewed.

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